Local Missions
Local Missions at The Point
We take seriously our role in sharing the Gospel here in our community. In every neighborhood and across every street, there are people that need to hear about Jesus in Hernando and Desoto County as much as the lost around the world. And we have lots of opportunities for you to plug in and find your place!
Missional Resources

Your community!
Be on mission in the unique place God has placed you! Share your story and share God’s story in your neighborhood, workplace, and school. Contact – You!
Celebrate Recovery/the Landing
Volunteer to help serve with meals or childcare. Celebrate Recovery and the Landing meet on Friday nights from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Contact: Don Scipper – 662-404-0517
West African ESL
Volunteer with English classes for West African Immigrants on Sundays from 6-7:30 p.m. and Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Help is also needed with childcare. Contact: Beth Ford – bethmford@gmail.com – 605-269-1097
Interfaith Council on Poverty
Help fight hunger in our community. Contact: Christy Douglas – dougandchristy@comcast.net – 662-404-0596
Fostering Hope
This ministry serves fostering families in Desoto and neighboring counties. Volunteers are needed to help with meals and childcare. Contact: Jason Ford – jason@longviewpoint.org
HeartLand Hands
Volunteer with this ministry that is reaching out to the community by providing emergency food assistance to residents of Desoto County who are having difficulty providing food for their family. Contact: Connie James – director@heartlandhands.org
If you are interested in participating in any of these mission projects, please download our Mission Project Volunteer Application Form. Completed applications should be submitted to the church office as soon as possible for processing.