We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Celebrate Recovery and the Landing are offered every Friday night at 6 p.m. 52 weeks a year.
Welcome to celebrate Recovery
This 52 week, Christ-centered recovery program is for open for anyone with hurts, habits, or hang-ups. Whether you are laying down old behaviors or grieving the loss of a loved one, you will find a place here. Families and friends are welcome to accompany anyone interested in joining!
Celebrate Recovery and the Landing meet each Friday night at 6:30 p.m.
Every Friday, we gather in the Worship Center for a shared meal and a time of worship. Within worship, we will hear a brief testimony or teaching.
After worship, we split adults and teenagers, as well as men and women for time in the Word and accountability. Celebrate Recovery is for adults, and The Landing is open to all teenagers 7th grade or older.

Everyone has hurts, habits, and hangups. But few people have healing. We believe Jesus Christ heals and restores lives! Celebrate Recovery (CR) is Christ-centered, biblically-driven, and relationally-friendly. CR deals with all sorts of sin issues such as depression, dependency on drugs and/or alcohol, pornography, low self-esteem, control issues, anxiety, anger, co-dependency, abuse, and more.
Volunteer to serve in recovery ministry through providing meals or childcare. For more information on how to provide meals, contact Sarah Clenney at clennyjr@juno.com. For details on how to aid in childcare, contact Mary Clemons at 901.827.5631.
The Landing
The Landing is a unique experience for teenagers in grades 7-12. This is an ongoing 52 week program based on the beatitudes.
The Landing is a place for those who struggle to live their lives in a healthy, God-honoring way. The Landing gives tools to teenagers who are dealing with real life struggles in their homes, schools, and lives. It provides a way to share about things like being trapped by the past, hurts, guilt, or patterns of bad decisions. The Landing is a safe and healthy place to learn to live a freer, healthier Christ-centered life.